Savannah Things To Do

Things To Do:
The best way to see Savannah is to get a hotel downtown and just walk everywhere. The squares are full of life, the homes are neat and historical and you can wander around for hours finding neat shops and restaurants. 

Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) is a big part of the city. So many buildings downtown are owned by them so it gives it a neat artsy vibe. 

Architectural Tour: This is the only tour I've been on of Savannah. I would highly recommend it.  It's a walking tour but gives you a neat perspective.

First African Baptist Church: We've gone on a tour here and it was done well. We enjoyed hearing and seeing the history this church has. I highly recommend: 

Pinpoint Heritage Museum: information on Gullah/Gechee heritage and culture. One on my list to visit: 

Oatland Island: My favorite place to go in Savannah. It's like an outdoor zoo but more natural and educational.

UGA Aquarium on Skidaway Island: A small, neat aquarium to visit. There's also trails around the area for guests to explore. Also, nearby, is the Skidaway State Park. 

For Tybee Info (Savannah's beach): There's beach access on Tybee and people fish from the pier. Sometimes the beach is windier or cooler than downtown, so be prepared.

Sunrise, Tybee Island, Georgia

The lighthouse: newly renovated and there's also a fort across the street. and my favorite restaurant is between the lighthouse and the beach, called North Shore Grill (or something like that). They have Jamaican type food and good seafood. 

Fort Pulaski: if you like forts and history -

Tybee Marine Science Center: An aquarium, history, and guided tours of Tybee Island. 

The Book Lady Bookstore: Here's a bookstore that we liked. Mostly used books. Cozy place and they have a garden area. You can spend hours combing through what they have. 

Other places to check out: 
The harbor/River Street: There's candy shops, a tobacconist, restaurants and touristy stuff but just make sure you don't spend all your time down there. It's actually my least-favorite part of Savannah. Haven't found a good place to eat there yet. 

Forsyth Park: a great place to hang out, get sun and just walk around. Farmers Market on Saturdays. 

Bonaventure Cemetary : historical cemetary

The Fragrant Garden - This is a favorite of mine to visit. It is a neat feature that Savannah has. It is a small, walled garden that is full of fragrant plants. Many of the plants have plaques with their latin name as well as their name in braille. Just be sure to know that it's only open from 9 am - 2 pm, weekdays.

Helpful info: 
Visitor's Day Pass - it may be worth looking into if you'll want to drive places. Also if you're not staying downtown Savannah, it is worth the money. I think they charge for parking in garages even on weekends. 

Restaurants: check out my page of favorite restaurants in Savannah:

Updated 3/13/18.


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