Guide to making reservations

I realize that on this blog I haven't shared one of my most helpful websites in making reservations, especially when travelling. I, personally, love it when a restaurant will take reservations. There aren't many places that I'm willing to wait for an hour for their food. There are usually other great restaurants that don't have a wait, so I like to check them out. And when you want to have a special night out, you don't want to spend a large amount of that time waiting for your table. Also, it's great when you have a large group since you know that it is more difficult to get a table for 5 or 10 people instead of just 2.
Open Table is my preferred website for restaurants. They have an app and help you make reservations across the world. They also give you helpful information about price, cuisine, location and ratings from other patrons. I like to use them especially when I'm looking for places to eat in a town that I'm travelling to. I may not always make a reservation but it helps me in finding restaurants and planning my vacation. They also will give you points for making reservations at certain restaurants, which go towards dining credits.
When possible, I will try to list which restaurants take reservations when I share restaurants with you. If you're not sure, check their website. Usually a restaurant is pretty public about taking reservations and will mention it on their site. If it's not listed on their website, call and ask. It's always good to double check. Also, some places will not take regular reservations but if you have a large group, they may take a reservation for that. But check with them on their policy. Some places won't seat you until your entire group is there, which can be frustrating if you have some habitual late-comers and you could loose your table.
Hope you enjoy! And have a great summer travel season!


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